వసిష్ఠస గోత్రజులు, నందవరీక మహాయోగి శ్రీ గోపానంద నాథులు (1907-2003)
Sri Gopananda Nadhulu
Sri Sri Sri Gopananda Natha, (popularly know as Gopaiah swamy) an ardent follower of Vedic Sampradaya at the behest of his gurudeva did an extensive, laborious research exhaustively on the right path to Moksha marga by worshipping SRI DEVI in the right path and found that since ages, SRIDEVI ARADHANA as inculcated in the veda puranas followed in the form of NAVASATHI which later found converted as SAPTHASATHI. Considering the glaring inconsistencies found therein, he carried out the exercise of Mantra vibhaga of purna slokas and thereupon formulated the 921 poorna mantras duly adopting the discipline relevant for the exercise. The NAVASATHI MANTRAMALA’ restored by SRI SRI SRI GOPANANDA NATHA adheres to the principle of Sanathana Dharma and guides one to achieve Gnana and eventually attain the goal of Moksha-SRIDEVI should be worshipped as depicted in the vedas and puranas and the worship is aimed at achieving the desired effects. The work is an eye opener for those who view SRIDEVI as the consumer of PANCHA MAKARAS, instead of all Mothers, savior of all saviors. Purity and devotion are the essential features which are highlighted; false and tantric features where absolutely discarded. Sanathana dharma clearly observes that all people, irrespective of race, religion, caste can pray upon the Mother who confers peace, relieves them of all difficulties, and protects them in all walks of life.
Sri Gopananda Natha, blessed by the divine grace of his GURU SRI SRI SRI JAGAN MOHA-NANANDA NATHA, completed his Poorna Deeksha at his 26th year of age. He was entrusted by his GURUDEV with the task of rectifying the defects in SAPTHASATHI, the popular text of Sri Devi Mahatmyam, wherein TANTRIK CULT is praised in the Chapters added by TANTRIKS. TANTRIK CULT is a DURACHARA, and imposes human / animal sacrifices, under the name of PANCHA MAKARAS. It is against our Vedic Sat- Sampradaya wherein AHIMSA is prominent SRI Gopananda Natha rectified the defects in the SAPTHASATHI and propagating for the last four decades SRI CHANDI NAVASATI MANTRA MALA, highlighting the importance DEVI as the AKHANDA BRAHMA VIDYA and the significance Of NUMBER NINE as the form of SRI DEVI, and the Vedic SAT SAMPRADAYA.