According to our religious scriptures viz., VEDAS, PURANAS, ITIHASAS, the SUPREME MOTHER is incomprehensible, all-pervading intrinsic power that inspires and instigates all HER creations to act according to their inborn nature. SHE is NITHYA, the ever-existing TRUTH, that creates this Universe, sustains it and destroys at HER will.
SHE is known by many names such as, DURGA, GAYATRI, CHANDI, KALI, RAJARAJESHWARI etc. and all the AVATARS of SRI VISHNU were assumed at HER will only. Whenever evil forces dominate and cause suffering to the Universe, SHE assumes a form appropriate to that occasion, destroys them and confers peace to all.
SHE is BRAHMA VIDYA and the knowledge about HER is BRAHMA GNANA, the achievement of which is the ultimate goal of human beings.
SHE is known by many names such as, DURGA, GAYATRI, CHANDI, KALI, RAJARAJESHWARI etc. and all the AVATARS of SRI VISHNU were assumed at HER will only. Whenever evil forces dominate and cause suffering to the Universe, SHE assumes a form appropriate to that occasion, destroys them and confers peace to all.
SHE is BRAHMA VIDYA and the knowledge about HER is BRAHMA GNANA, the achievement of which is the ultimate goal of human beings.
The methods of achieving the Brahma gnana are explained in the teachings of BRAHMA RISHIS VARUNA, and UDDALAKA. They expound that VEDAS and their branches are the authorities to lead the aspirant to achieve the goal.
Upanishads, and the two great contributions of JAGAD GURU KRISHNA DWAIPAYANA - viz., VEDANTA DARSANA AND SRI BHAGAVAD GITA, are the essence of VEDAS.
According to the scriptures, BHAGAWAN SRI NARAYANA, the first JAGAD GURU, in our BHARATHI SAMPRADAYA, enunciated PRAVRITHI DHARMA AND NIVRITHI DHARMA, by means of which Brahma gnana can be achieved.
PRAVRITHI DHARMA, known as KARMA YOGA is meant for the normal human being who should follow certain duties connecting to the stages of BRAHMACHARYA (stage for controlling body and senses, and for devoting studies, to obtain BRAHMA GNANA), GRIHASTHA (family life), and VANAPRASTHA (detached from family life. Here wife stays along with him). NIVRUTHI DHARMA, known as SAMKHYA YOGA or GNANA YOGA is meant for those who severed all bonds in life.
The basic requirement of the aspirant in regard to KARMA YOGA, is to strive for the purification of mind and body practicing ASHTANGA YOGA. It comprises of YAMA - self-control, ahimsa, NIYAMA - observing religious austerities with utmost belief, ASANA - positioning of the body at his will, PRANAYAMA - Controlling of breath, PRATYAHARA - restraint of senses, DHYANA - contemplation, DHARANA - control of the internal senses, and finally SAMADHI - the ultimate stage wherein due to uninterrupted contemplation, the body and soul engrossed in a state of inexplicable bliss, unaware of the objects around on account of REALISATION OF SELF, is actually experienced. This MAHA VRATHAM itself is DEVI, praised DEVAS in the PURANA.
Upanishads, and the two great contributions of JAGAD GURU KRISHNA DWAIPAYANA - viz., VEDANTA DARSANA AND SRI BHAGAVAD GITA, are the essence of VEDAS.
According to the scriptures, BHAGAWAN SRI NARAYANA, the first JAGAD GURU, in our BHARATHI SAMPRADAYA, enunciated PRAVRITHI DHARMA AND NIVRITHI DHARMA, by means of which Brahma gnana can be achieved.
PRAVRITHI DHARMA, known as KARMA YOGA is meant for the normal human being who should follow certain duties connecting to the stages of BRAHMACHARYA (stage for controlling body and senses, and for devoting studies, to obtain BRAHMA GNANA), GRIHASTHA (family life), and VANAPRASTHA (detached from family life. Here wife stays along with him). NIVRUTHI DHARMA, known as SAMKHYA YOGA or GNANA YOGA is meant for those who severed all bonds in life.
The basic requirement of the aspirant in regard to KARMA YOGA, is to strive for the purification of mind and body practicing ASHTANGA YOGA. It comprises of YAMA - self-control, ahimsa, NIYAMA - observing religious austerities with utmost belief, ASANA - positioning of the body at his will, PRANAYAMA - Controlling of breath, PRATYAHARA - restraint of senses, DHYANA - contemplation, DHARANA - control of the internal senses, and finally SAMADHI - the ultimate stage wherein due to uninterrupted contemplation, the body and soul engrossed in a state of inexplicable bliss, unaware of the objects around on account of REALISATION OF SELF, is actually experienced. This MAHA VRATHAM itself is DEVI, praised DEVAS in the PURANA.
This pious and disciplined path should be observed under the guidance of an accomplished GURU only. Such GURU is one who achieved the state of SAMADHI by viewing the light generated by the MANTRA/SOUND within his body. He is the embodiment of PARA BRAHMA, and also known as “PADUKANTHA DEEKSHA PARA” in Vedic tradition.
According to our scriptures, the multifarious objects perceived by us evolve from the Divine Sound OMKARA, otherwise known as PARA BRAHMA. The actual originating point of this sound viz., BINDU, is unknown, yet it is known as the abode of the PARA BRAHMA.
The waves of the sound/NADA or DHWANI, on account of the inlaid SUKSHMA SAKTHI, pervade this entire Universe by the movements of the AIR/VAYU THARANGAS. This SUKSHMA SAKTHI of NADA assumes the gross form of AKSHARAS, whose substance is termed as MANTRA. MANTRA is therefore, the manifestation of the SUPREME MOTHER.
The FIVE basic elements of the creation are only the transformations of the DIVINE SOUND OMKARA as analyzed here under:
Plants and trees produce food that helps to preserve the body and the PRANA SAKTHI in it. In other words, the body of human beings or birds etc., is the formation of the above five elements, i.e., PANCHA MAHA BHUTHAS, that have emanated from NADA SAKTHI AND the AKSHARAS. The entire Universe is, therefore, the outcome of the NADASAKTHI whose manifestation is MANTRA.
Body is a replica of the Universe. Just as NADA pervades the entire universe, so also it pervades the entire body. While the abode of NADA is the unknown BINDU, in the case of the body it is the brain from where the NADA SAKTHI, circulates in the entire body through the nervous system, in the form AIR.
The circulation of this NADASAKTHI also known as PRANA SAKTHI, (Scientists call this as the CENTRIFUGAL FORCE), continues till the end of one’s life. The various stages at which this NADASAKTHI appears in the body are identified as PARA, PASYANTHI, MADHYAMA AND VYKHARI in the Vedic parlance. The sound that emanates from AKASA converges into AKASA only. In the same manner the sound that emanates from the brain converges back into the brain only.
Worshipping DEVI, in the form of this NADA SAKTHI, PRANA SAKTHI OR MANTRA SAKTHI does not require any external material, but a strong will and guidance of GURU are essential.
Initiation of MANTRA is actually transmission or infusion of the power of the sound by the GURU when he places his hand on the head of the aspirant and utters the MANTRA in his right ear. Repetition of the MANTRA by the aspirant in the form of JAPA is only adoring the sound of the MANTRA or NADA SAKTHI.
The process is also known as NADA UPASANA.
Practicing the MANTRA that is read from a book, or heard from Radio/TV, or heard in group initiation introduced by some of the modern GURUS, would NOT SERVE THE PURPOSE, but results in physical as well as mental damage not only to the aspirant but to the entire atmosphere around him, posing ultimate danger to the entire universe itself.
According to our scriptures, the formation of MANTRA undergoes the basic requirement of PADA, BIJA, SAMKHYA, and REKHA. They are also known as PADA SASTRA, MANTRA SASTRA and YANTRA SASTRA. The DIVINE SOUND OMKARA is the origin for these sastras.
PADA and BIJA worlds are the outcome of letters known as AKSHARA SAMAAMNAAYA, which evolved from OMKARA. They are called AKSHARAS for the reason that the inherent sounds are ever-lasting and can never be destroyed.
The style of writing a letter may vary from place to place and from country to country but the underlying sound that stands behind the letter is UNIVERSAL. This confirms the fact that all sounds have emanated from OMKARA only.
According to PANINI, who was blessed by LORD MAHESHWARA, with the science of grammar, the first letter AKARA represents BRAHMA - the ultimate TRUTH.
We have known earlier that the SUPREME MOTHER, who created this UNIVERSE, though stands over and above it, yet by staying from within, inspires all the objects conferring them with the power of stability to perform all the acts according to their inborn nature. In the same manner the sound AKARA gives potency and stability to all the other letters for their pronunciation. Hence the sound AKARA is identified as BRAHMA in Vedic parlance.
PADA is the tree of knowledge and its branches are VEDAS, and sub-branches are SMRITHIS. Its leaves and flowers are PURANAS and ITIHASAS, and the fruits are DARSANAS, Vedas known as SHRUTHIS, emerged spontaneously from the DIVINE OMKARA NADA and they were not written by any human being as generally misunderstood by the modern to-day.
The authority for the Vedic teaching can be ascertained from Vedas only and hence they gained prominence as APOURUSHEYAS and SWATAHPRAMANAS.
PRAJAPATHI BRAHMA heard them first and passed on the Vedic knowledge to DEVATHAS AND RISHIS, who preserved them through PARAMPARA for ages together which exists even today.
The waves of the sound/NADA or DHWANI, on account of the inlaid SUKSHMA SAKTHI, pervade this entire Universe by the movements of the AIR/VAYU THARANGAS. This SUKSHMA SAKTHI of NADA assumes the gross form of AKSHARAS, whose substance is termed as MANTRA. MANTRA is therefore, the manifestation of the SUPREME MOTHER.
The FIVE basic elements of the creation are only the transformations of the DIVINE SOUND OMKARA as analyzed here under:
- From AKASA …….... AIR is created
- From AIR ………. FIRE/AGNI is created
- From AGNI ………. WATER (APAHA) is created
- From WATER ………. EARTH is created
- From EARTH ………. PLANTS etc, are created.
Plants and trees produce food that helps to preserve the body and the PRANA SAKTHI in it. In other words, the body of human beings or birds etc., is the formation of the above five elements, i.e., PANCHA MAHA BHUTHAS, that have emanated from NADA SAKTHI AND the AKSHARAS. The entire Universe is, therefore, the outcome of the NADASAKTHI whose manifestation is MANTRA.
Body is a replica of the Universe. Just as NADA pervades the entire universe, so also it pervades the entire body. While the abode of NADA is the unknown BINDU, in the case of the body it is the brain from where the NADA SAKTHI, circulates in the entire body through the nervous system, in the form AIR.
The circulation of this NADASAKTHI also known as PRANA SAKTHI, (Scientists call this as the CENTRIFUGAL FORCE), continues till the end of one’s life. The various stages at which this NADASAKTHI appears in the body are identified as PARA, PASYANTHI, MADHYAMA AND VYKHARI in the Vedic parlance. The sound that emanates from AKASA converges into AKASA only. In the same manner the sound that emanates from the brain converges back into the brain only.
Worshipping DEVI, in the form of this NADA SAKTHI, PRANA SAKTHI OR MANTRA SAKTHI does not require any external material, but a strong will and guidance of GURU are essential.
Initiation of MANTRA is actually transmission or infusion of the power of the sound by the GURU when he places his hand on the head of the aspirant and utters the MANTRA in his right ear. Repetition of the MANTRA by the aspirant in the form of JAPA is only adoring the sound of the MANTRA or NADA SAKTHI.
The process is also known as NADA UPASANA.
Practicing the MANTRA that is read from a book, or heard from Radio/TV, or heard in group initiation introduced by some of the modern GURUS, would NOT SERVE THE PURPOSE, but results in physical as well as mental damage not only to the aspirant but to the entire atmosphere around him, posing ultimate danger to the entire universe itself.
According to our scriptures, the formation of MANTRA undergoes the basic requirement of PADA, BIJA, SAMKHYA, and REKHA. They are also known as PADA SASTRA, MANTRA SASTRA and YANTRA SASTRA. The DIVINE SOUND OMKARA is the origin for these sastras.
- PADA SASTRA gave birth to the ocean of literature, grammar and science.
PADA and BIJA worlds are the outcome of letters known as AKSHARA SAMAAMNAAYA, which evolved from OMKARA. They are called AKSHARAS for the reason that the inherent sounds are ever-lasting and can never be destroyed.
The style of writing a letter may vary from place to place and from country to country but the underlying sound that stands behind the letter is UNIVERSAL. This confirms the fact that all sounds have emanated from OMKARA only.
According to PANINI, who was blessed by LORD MAHESHWARA, with the science of grammar, the first letter AKARA represents BRAHMA - the ultimate TRUTH.
We have known earlier that the SUPREME MOTHER, who created this UNIVERSE, though stands over and above it, yet by staying from within, inspires all the objects conferring them with the power of stability to perform all the acts according to their inborn nature. In the same manner the sound AKARA gives potency and stability to all the other letters for their pronunciation. Hence the sound AKARA is identified as BRAHMA in Vedic parlance.
PADA is the tree of knowledge and its branches are VEDAS, and sub-branches are SMRITHIS. Its leaves and flowers are PURANAS and ITIHASAS, and the fruits are DARSANAS, Vedas known as SHRUTHIS, emerged spontaneously from the DIVINE OMKARA NADA and they were not written by any human being as generally misunderstood by the modern to-day.
The authority for the Vedic teaching can be ascertained from Vedas only and hence they gained prominence as APOURUSHEYAS and SWATAHPRAMANAS.
PRAJAPATHI BRAHMA heard them first and passed on the Vedic knowledge to DEVATHAS AND RISHIS, who preserved them through PARAMPARA for ages together which exists even today.
Every letter in the Vedic language has a numerical value. The popularly known as CHHANDAS in Veda refers to number only. Every Mantra has CHHANDAS (POETIC METER), that represents the numerical significance of it.
All the numerical world is only the formation/transformation of the Nine numbers and the zero. In Vedic parlance another number known as INFINITY stands for PARAM which represents BRAHMA. In SANSKRIT language the word PARAM is used in three forms. The masculine PARAHA represents PURUSHA (MAN).
In feminine form it represents INFINITY. In neuter form it represents CIRCLE.
invokes PURUSHA as NAVAHA. NAVA in neuter gender represents the numerical NINE. Since the above SRUTHI MANTRA extols PURUSHA as NAVAHA, the number NINE invariably represents PURUSHA.
PRAJAPATHI BRAHMA found that His entire body was composed of all letters commencing from AKARA to HAKARA as denoted in the VARNA SAMAMNAYA, and uttered the word “AHAM”. The word “AHAM” consists of three letters viz., A + HA + ZERO (BINDU).
According to the NUMEROLOGY the letter A represents the number 1, the letter HA represents the number 8 and after adding zero/BINDU, it forms the number 180. This results in the concept of 180 degrees of the Hemisphere and the 360 degrees of the Celestial circle and similarly the 90 degrees of the right angle etc.
When used as a word, “AHAM” represents the numerical values 180 or 90 or 9. If it is used as a letter its value, as per the above SRUTHI MANTRA, is NINE, referring thereon to the ULTIMATE TRUTH, PARA BRAHMA.
The significance of number NINE is so great that when it is multiplied by NINE, we get all the numbers one after the other. Every integer is only a super-imposition upon NINE for the reason that NINE exists behind every number.
The number 10 when split becomes 1 + 0. It is 9 + 1 only. 2 when split becomes
1 + 1 = 11 and it is 9 + 2. Similarly number 3 as 21, number 4 as 31 or 22 etc.
These numbers when divided by 9 forms the same number. The aspirant can try many examples like this and know the secrets of the number 9.
Vedic scriptures quote number NINE in consonance with its significance while referring to NAVA BRAHMAS, NAVA VYAKARANAS, NAVA NIDHIS, NAVA GRAHAS, NAVA RATNAS, NAVA RASAS, NAVA CHAKRAS, NAVA KONAS, NAVA DWIPAS, NAVA BHUTHAS, NAVA DURGAS etc.
Relation between PADA, BIJA, and SAMKHYA as evidenced in the Vedic scriptures would be as under:
Every letter in the Vedic language has a numerical value. The popularly known as CHHANDAS in Veda refers to number only. Every Mantra has CHHANDAS (POETIC METER), that represents the numerical significance of it.
All the numerical world is only the formation/transformation of the Nine numbers and the zero. In Vedic parlance another number known as INFINITY stands for PARAM which represents BRAHMA. In SANSKRIT language the word PARAM is used in three forms. The masculine PARAHA represents PURUSHA (MAN).
In feminine form it represents INFINITY. In neuter form it represents CIRCLE.
invokes PURUSHA as NAVAHA. NAVA in neuter gender represents the numerical NINE. Since the above SRUTHI MANTRA extols PURUSHA as NAVAHA, the number NINE invariably represents PURUSHA.
PRAJAPATHI BRAHMA found that His entire body was composed of all letters commencing from AKARA to HAKARA as denoted in the VARNA SAMAMNAYA, and uttered the word “AHAM”. The word “AHAM” consists of three letters viz., A + HA + ZERO (BINDU).
According to the NUMEROLOGY the letter A represents the number 1, the letter HA represents the number 8 and after adding zero/BINDU, it forms the number 180. This results in the concept of 180 degrees of the Hemisphere and the 360 degrees of the Celestial circle and similarly the 90 degrees of the right angle etc.
When used as a word, “AHAM” represents the numerical values 180 or 90 or 9. If it is used as a letter its value, as per the above SRUTHI MANTRA, is NINE, referring thereon to the ULTIMATE TRUTH, PARA BRAHMA.
The significance of number NINE is so great that when it is multiplied by NINE, we get all the numbers one after the other. Every integer is only a super-imposition upon NINE for the reason that NINE exists behind every number.
The number 10 when split becomes 1 + 0. It is 9 + 1 only. 2 when split becomes
1 + 1 = 11 and it is 9 + 2. Similarly number 3 as 21, number 4 as 31 or 22 etc.
These numbers when divided by 9 forms the same number. The aspirant can try many examples like this and know the secrets of the number 9.
Vedic scriptures quote number NINE in consonance with its significance while referring to NAVA BRAHMAS, NAVA VYAKARANAS, NAVA NIDHIS, NAVA GRAHAS, NAVA RATNAS, NAVA RASAS, NAVA CHAKRAS, NAVA KONAS, NAVA DWIPAS, NAVA BHUTHAS, NAVA DURGAS etc.
Relation between PADA, BIJA, and SAMKHYA as evidenced in the Vedic scriptures would be as under:
Vedas |
Pranava & Gayatri |
9 & 24 |
Ramayana |
Shadakshari & Gayatri |
Six kandas,24,000 slokas |
Mahabharatha |
Aham & Param |
18 parvas, 1,00,000 slokas |
Bhagavatha |
Dwadasakshari & Aham |
12 skandas, 18,000 slokas |
Bhagavadgita |
Aham & Sapthakshari |
18 chapters, 700 verses |
Bija --- BIJA is the holy MANTRA, the root cause/the seed from which the entire ocean of knowledge generates.
REKHA --- The perceptible form in this world is called RUPA. The graphic representation of it is called REKHA or CHAKRA or YANTRA. BINDU, TRIKONA, SHATKONA, VRITHA etc. represent various aspects of the nature and the details must be known through an accomplished GURU only.
These four PADA, BIJA, SAMKHYA and REKHA emanated from ONE known as PARAM, BRAHMA, or PURNAM and the real cause and the effect is the objective world. The MICROCOSM and the MACROCOSM are said to be PURNAM. If they are raised to the status of REAL PURNAM both become one with the PURNAM and it remains ONE only without a second.
Hence one who knows the PURNAM becomes one with the PURNAM.
The information furnished above on the keys of knowledge is not exhaustive and the aspirant is advised to do research and know more through his GURU.
REKHA --- The perceptible form in this world is called RUPA. The graphic representation of it is called REKHA or CHAKRA or YANTRA. BINDU, TRIKONA, SHATKONA, VRITHA etc. represent various aspects of the nature and the details must be known through an accomplished GURU only.
These four PADA, BIJA, SAMKHYA and REKHA emanated from ONE known as PARAM, BRAHMA, or PURNAM and the real cause and the effect is the objective world. The MICROCOSM and the MACROCOSM are said to be PURNAM. If they are raised to the status of REAL PURNAM both become one with the PURNAM and it remains ONE only without a second.
Hence one who knows the PURNAM becomes one with the PURNAM.
The information furnished above on the keys of knowledge is not exhaustive and the aspirant is advised to do research and know more through his GURU.